Developmental Screenings for ages 0-5

Child Check is a free developmental screening for children ages 0-5 to check a child’s learning, speaking, moving, seeing and hearing skills. Since all children develop differently, parents may wonder if their child is on the right track. If a child needs further evaluation, a referral will be made to the appropriate service. In that case, developmental screenings are included as part of the program.

Child Checks are held regularly at the Futures Unlimited Family Support Center at 15 Industrial Ave, Wellington, KS.

Checks are provided at no cost and by appointment only.

Remember, each child is different and may learn and grow at a different pace. These differences may or may not be cause for concern. If you have any concerns or would just like to make sure your child is on the right track developmentally, call and schedule a free screening.

Please note: screening information will be kept on file for each child no longer than one (1) year from date of screening.

Ages 0 to 3rd Birthday

Developmental screenings are offered by Katie Bally of Rainbows to anyone residing in Sumner County.

Ages 3 to 5th Birthday

Developmental screenings are offered for USD 353 children. Call 316-369-0265

Child Check Dates

  • April 14, 2023
  • May 12, 2023

Developmental Milestones

Birth – 6 Months

  • Nurse without difficulty
  • Smile and vocalize
  • Laugh and squeal
  • Roll over

6-12 Months

  • Feed self crackers

  • Pass object from hand to hand

  • Crawl and sit alone

  • Say “da-da” and “ma-ma”

12-18 Months

  • Drink from a cup

  • Walk well

  • Scribble and use a spoon

  • Say several words besides “ma-ma” and “da-da”

18-24 Months

  • Build tower of 4 blocks

  • Point to body parts

  • Combine two words

  • Follow simple directions

  • Kick and throw a ball

2-3 Years

  • Jump in place

  • Use plurals

  • Copy circles

  • Help put on clothes

    3-4 Years

    • Dress themselves

    • Give first and last name

    • Know on, in and under

    • Recognize colors

    • Hop on one foot

    • Use scissors

    4-5 Years

    • Talk in sentences

    • Draw a person and copy a triangle

    • Balance on one foot for 10 seconds

    • Share and take turns